We are proud to introduce you to Cyphoma Gibbosum! He is the protagonist of this collection, the inspiration for our swimwear fabric patterns and weaving group multiplier models. Cyphoma Gibbosum, known as the Flamingo Tongue snail in Turkish, is actually a tiny sea creature that lives mostly in the Atlantic Ocean, the coasts of Brazil, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Even the largest could not exceed 4.5 cm in length. As Lo, we call him “Gibbo” for short. Unfortunately, the story of the little one, who managed to attract all our attention from the moment we met, is not as beautiful as himself. Gibbo is a creature that is collected a lot because it looks like a seashell, so it is in danger of extinction. We are deeply saddened by the disappearance of Gibbo, which is so rare, beautiful and fun that it will inspire us to create our patterns. We dedicated this collection to Gibbo in order to make his voice heard and make it eternal. Maybe this way more people will pay attention to Gibbo and the risk of his extinction will decrease.


This Summer's Essentials

New Collection Pattern

We wanted to make a difference in our swimsuits with our patterns inspired by the effective shapes of Cyphoma Gibbosum, known in Turkish as the Flamingo Tongue Snail. The yellow of the sand, the blue of the sea and the orange of the sun guided us when choosing the colors of our breathable, soft fabrics.

In our 2023 collection, we were inspired by the orange of the sun, the yellow of the sand and the blue of the sea.


All of our swimwear group fabrics prevent harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun by 98%.


While creating unique styles in our designs, we put comfort at the forefront.


Our first goal is to produce without endangering the lives of all living things today and in the future.


We take responsibility for the improvement of the products we sell and the conditions of our colleagues.